
Method API Description
POST v1/Activities

Adds a new journal entry for the current (api) user

PUT v1/Activities/{id}

Updates a journal entry for the current (api) user

DELETE v1/Activities/{id}

Deletes a journal entry of the current (api) user

GET v1/Activities/Categories

Returns actvity categories for current (api) user.

GET v1/Activities

Retrieve activity journal entries for current (api) user.


Method API Description
POST v1/CarrierAccounts

Add a new CarrierAccount.

PUT v1/CarrierAccounts

Update an existing CarrierAccount.

GET v1/CarrierAccounts/{carrierAccountId}

Get detailed information about a CarrierAccount.

DELETE v1/CarrierAccounts/{id}

Delete a given CarrierAccount.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/CarrierAccounts

Get a list with all CarrierAccounts.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/CarrierAccounts

Get a list with all available CarrierAccounts for this shop.


Method API Description
GET v1/Countries

Get a list with all available Countries.


Method API Description
GET v1/Cultures

Get a list with all available Cultures.


Method API Description
GET v1/Currencies

Get a list with all available Currencies.


Method API Description
GET v1/Customers

Get a list with all Customers available for the logged in user.

POST v1/Customers

Add a new Customer.

PUT v1/Customers

Update an existing Customer.

PUT v1/Customers/{customerId}/ReceiveNewsLetter/{value}

Set true if the Customer likes to receive a newsletter.

GET v1/Customers/{id}

Get detailed information about a Customer.

DELETE v1/Customers/{id}

Delete given Customer.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/Customers/CustomerCode/{customerCode}

Get a list with all Customers for specified Shopowner and specific CustomerCode.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/Customers/Search/{search}

Get a list with all Customers for specified Shopowner and search in following fields: - FullName - CompanyName - EMail address - ContactRef

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/Customers

Get a list with all Customers for specified Shop owner.


Method API Description
GET v1/EMails/{mailId}

Get detailed information about an EMail.

GET v1/EmailTemplates

Gets the global email templates.

GET v1/Mail/Rate/{token}/{rating}

Sets the email rating.

GET v1/Mail/ShopCtrl/RN/{token}

Sets the Read Notify for an email

GET v1/MailTemplates/{mailTemplateId}

Get detailed information about an Mail Template.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/EmailTemplates

Gets the email templates of a Shop Owner.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/EMailboxes

Get all EMailboxes which are available.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Emails

Get a list with all available EMails, for given shop.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/EmailTemplates

Gets the email templates of a Shop.

POST v1/Shops/{shopId}/SendCustomMail

Sends an email based on custom email values.

POST v1/Shops/{shopId}/SendMail

Sends an email based on an email template. If the selected template contains a recipient, it will be used instead of the order contact.


Method API Description
GET v1/EmployeeGroups/{employeeId}

Get a list with all available EmployeeGroups for a given Employee.

GET v1/Employees

Get a list with all available Employees for the logged in user.

POST v1/Employees

Add a new Employee. Note: setting ShopRoles and EmployeeGroups are not supported by this URI. Please use specific URIs to add/remove ShopRoles and EmployeeGroups.

PUT v1/Employees

Update an existing Employee. Note: setting ShopRoles and EmployeeGroups are not supported by this URI. Please use specific URIs to add/remove ShopRoles and EmployeeGroups.

GET v1/Employees/{employeeId}

Get detailed information about an Employee.

DELETE v1/Employees/{employeeId}

Delete the given Employee.

GET v1/Employees/{employeeId}/EmployeeGroups

Get a list with all EmployeeGroups for a given Employee.

POST v1/Employees/{employeeId}/EmployeeGroups/{employeeGroupId}

Adds the EmployeeGroup specified by id.

DELETE v1/Employees/{employeeId}/EmployeeGroups/{employeeGroupId}

Deletes the EmployeeGroup specified by id.

POST v1/Employees/{employeeId}/EmployeeGroups/{*employeeGroupName}

Adds the EmployeeGroup specified name.

DELETE v1/Employees/{employeeId}/EmployeeGroups/{*employeeGroupName}

Deletes the EmployeeGroup specified by name.

GET v1/Employees/{employeeId}/ShopRoles

Get a list with all ShopRoles for a given Employee.

POST v1/Employees/{employeeId}/ShopRoles/{shopId}/{shopRoleId}

Adds the ShopRole specified by id.

DELETE v1/Employees/{employeeId}/ShopRoles/{shopId}/{shopRoleId}

Deletes the ShopRole specified by id.

POST v1/Employees/{employeeId}/ShopRoles/{shopId}/{*shopRoleName}

Adds the ShopRole specified by name.

DELETE v1/Employees/{employeeId}/ShopRoles/{shopId}/{*shopRoleName}

Deletes the ShopRole specified by name.

GET v1/ShopRoles/{employeeId}

Get a list with all available ShopRoles for a given Employee.


Method API Description
GET v1/ExchangeRates

Get a list with all available Exchange Rates.


Method API Description
POST v1/Files

Create a new file for ShopOwner (and optionally Shop)

GET v1/Files/{fileId}

Get a specified File object.

GET v1/Files/{fileId}/MetaData

Get a specified File object.

GET v1/Files/{fileId}/Stream

No documentation available.


Method API Description
GET v1/OrderRows/{orderRowId}/Parameters

Get all Order Row Parameters.

POST v1/OrderRows/{orderRowId}/Parameters

Add an Order Row Parameter.

PUT v1/OrderRows/{orderRowId}/Parameters

Update an Order Row Parameter.

GET v1/OrderRows/{orderRowId}/Parameters/{key}

Get a single Order Row Parameter.

DELETE v1/OrderRows/{orderRowId}/Parameters/{key}

Delete a specific Order Row Parameter.

PUT v1/OrderRows/{orderRowId}/Parameters/{key}

Update an Order Row Parameter.

PUT v1/Orders

Update an existing Order.

DELETE v1/Orders/{orderId}

Delete given Order.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}

Get detailed information about an Order.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/Allocate

No documentation available.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/CarrierAccount/{carrierAccountID}

Update the Order Carrier Account.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/CustomerRating/{rating}

Update the Customer Rating value of an Order.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/CustomStatus

Update the Custom Order status.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/CustomStatus/{statusId}

Update the Custom Order status.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/Deallocate

No documentation available.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/FulfilmentStatus

Update the Fulfilment Order status.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/FulfilmentStatus/{statusId}

Update the Fulfillment Order status.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/Invoices

Get a list with all Invoices for a given order.

POST v1/Orders/{orderId}/Invoices

Auto create an Invoice for given order. An Invoice will be created for all order rows which are not invoiced yet. When there are no order rows to invoice, null will be returned.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/MainStatus

Update the Main Order status.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/MainStatus/{statusId}

Update the Main Order status.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/OrderComments

Get a list with all order comments of a given order.

POST v1/Orders/{orderId}/OrderComments

Adds the specified order comment.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/OrderComments

Updates the specified order comment.

DELETE v1/Orders/{orderId}/OrderComments/{orderCommentId}

Delete the given OrderComment.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/Parameters

Get all Order Parameters.

POST v1/Orders/{orderId}/Parameters

Add an Order Parameter.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/Parameters

Update an Order Parameter.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/Parameters/{key}

Get a single Order Parameter.

DELETE v1/Orders/{orderId}/Parameters/{key}

Delete a specific Order Parameter.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/Parameters/{key}

Update an Order Parameter.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/Parcels

Get a list with all Parcel for a given order.

POST v1/Orders/{orderId}/Parcels

Adds the specified Parcel.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/Parcels

Update an existing Parcel.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/Payments

Get a list with all payments for a given order.

POST v1/Orders/{orderId}/Payments

Adds the specified payment.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/Payments

Update an existing Payment.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/PaymentStatus

Update the Payment Order status.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/PaymentStatus/{statusId}

Update the Payment Order status.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/ProductRegistrations

Get the ProductRegistration entries registered to an order.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/Returns

Get a list with all Returns for a given order.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/Rows

Get a list with all order rows for a given order.

POST v1/Orders/{orderId}/Rows

Adds the specified order row.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/Rows

Update an existing order row.

DELETE v1/Orders/{orderId}/Rows/{orderRowId}

Delete given order row.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/Rows/{orderRowId}/ProductRegistrations

Get all ProductRegistrations registered to an orderrow.

POST v1/Orders/{orderId}/Rows/{orderRowId}/ProductRegistrations

Add a new ProductRegistration.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/Rows/{orderRowId}/ProductRegistrations

Updates a ProductRegistration.

DELETE v1/Orders/{orderId}/Rows/{orderRowId}/ProductRegistrations/{productRegistrationId}

Delete a given ProductRegistration.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/Shipments

Get a list with all Shipments for a given order.

POST v1/Orders/{orderId}/Shipments

Creates a new shipment for an order.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/ShipmentStatus

Update the Shipment Order status.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/ShipmentStatus/{statusId}

Update the Shipment Order status.

GET v1/Orders/{orderId}/ShippableOrderRows

Returns orderrows that are ready for fulfilment, but were not yet assigned to an shipment.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/StockStatus

Update the Stock Order status.

PUT v1/Orders/{orderId}/StockStatus/{statusId}

Update the Stock Order status.

POST v1/Shops/{shopId}/Orders

Add a new Order.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Orders/{orderCode}

Get detailed information about an Order.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Orders/{orderCode}/{orderRowKey}/Parameters

Get all Order Row Parameters.

POST v1/Shops/{shopId}/Orders/{orderCode}/{orderRowKey}/Parameters

Add an Order Row Parameter.

PUT v1/Shops/{shopId}/Orders/{orderCode}/{orderRowKey}/Parameters

Update an Order Row Parameter.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Orders/{orderCode}/{orderRowKey}/Parameters/{key}

Get a single Order Row Parameter.

DELETE v1/Shops/{shopId}/Orders/{orderCode}/{orderRowKey}/Parameters/{key}

Delete a specific Order Row Parameter.

PUT v1/Shops/{shopId}/Orders/{orderCode}/{orderRowKey}/Parameters/{key}

Update an Order Row Parameter.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Orders/{orderCode}/OrderId

Get the ShopCtrl Order Id based on the OrderCode.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Orders

Get a list with all available Orders, for given shop.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/OrdersByExternalOrderKey/{externalOrderKey}

Get detailed information about an Order.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/OrdersExists

No documentation available.


Method API Description
GET v1/BaseOrderStatuses

Get a list with the base order statuses.

POST v1/OrderStatuses

Add a new OrderStatus.

PUT v1/OrderStatuses

Update an existing OrderStatus.

GET v1/OrderStatuses/{id}

Get detailed information about a OrderStatus.

DELETE v1/OrderStatuses/{id}

Delete a given OrderStatus.

GET v1/OrderStatusTypes

Get a list with the Order Status types.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/OrderStatuses

Get a list with all available Order Statuses, for given shop owner.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/OrderStatuses

Get a list with all available Orders Statuses, for given shop.


Method API Description
POST v1/Parcels

Add a new Parcel with tracking info.

DELETE v1/Parcels/{parcelId}

Delete given Parcel.

GET v1/Parcels/{parcelId}/CarrierParameters

Get all Parcel's Carrier Parameters.

POST v1/Parcels/{parcelId}/CarrierParameters/{*key}

Adds or updates the specified Parcel's Carrier Parameter.

POST v1/Parcels/{parcelId}/ShippingLabelFile

Upload the Shipping Label (The file must be a PDF)

GET v1/Parcels/{parcelId}/ShippingLabelFile

Download the Shipping Label

GET v1/Parcels/{parcelId}

Get detailed information about a Parcel.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Parcels/{trackingCode}

Get detailed information about a Parcel, based on the unique tracking code.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Parcels

Get a list with available Parcels, for given shop.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/ParcelsExists

No documentation available.


Method API Description
DELETE v1/Payments/{paymentId}

Delete given Payment.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/PaymentTypes

Get a list with all available PaymentTypes for given shop.


Method API Description
POST v1/ProductGroups

Add a new Product group.

PUT v1/ProductGroups

Update an existing Product group.

GET v1/ProductGroups/{productGroupId}

Get detailed information about a Product group.

DELETE v1/ProductGroups/{productGroupId}

Delete given Product group. The children of the Product group will also be deleted.

GET v1/ProductGroups/{productGroupId}/Childs

Get a list with all Childs Product groups, for given Product Group.

GET v1/ProductGroups/{productGroupId}/Image

Get the Product group image.

DELETE v1/ProductGroups/{productGroupId}/Image

Delete the Product group image.

POST v1/ProductGroups/{productGroupId}/Image

Post a new image for given Product group.

GET v1/ProductGroups/{productGroupId}/Products

Get a list with all Products in given ProductGroup.

GET v1/ShopGroups/{shopGroupId}/ProductGroups

Get a list with all available Product groups, for given shop group.

GET v1/ShopGroups/{shopGroupId}/RootProductGroups

Get a list with all Root Product groups, for given shop group.


Method API Description
POST v1/Products

Add a new Product.

PUT v1/Products

Update an existing Product.

POST v1/Products/{id}/Packages

Adds or updates ProductPackage

POST v1/Products/{id}/Suppliers

Adds or updates ProductSupplier

GET v1/Products/{productId}

Get detailed information about a product.

DELETE v1/Products/{productId}

Delete given Product.

POST v1/Products/{productId}/Image

Upload the Product image

GET v1/Products/{productId}/Packages

Gets a list with all Product Packanges.

GET v1/Products/{productId}/Packages/{productPackageId}

Get detailed information about the Product Package.

DELETE v1/Products/{productId}/Packages/{productPackageId}

Removes given ProductPackage.

GET v1/Products/{productId}/ProductSelectionProducts

Get all Product Selection Products.

GET v1/Products/{productId}/Properties

Get all Product Properties.

PUT v1/Products/{productId}/Properties

Update a Product Property.

POST v1/Products/{productId}/Properties

Add a Product Property.

DELETE v1/Products/{productId}/Properties

Delete a specific Product Property.

POST v1/Products/{productId}/Properties/{*code}

Add or update the Product Property implicitly creating a Product Property Definition if not found by the specified code.

GET v1/Products/{productId}/Resources

Get detailed information about the Product's Resources.

GET v1/Products/{productId}/Resources/{productResourceId}

Get detailed information about the Product's Resource

DELETE v1/Products/{productId}/Resources/{productResourceId}

Delete the specified Product's Resource

GET v1/Products/{productId}/Resources/{productResourceId}/Download

Downloads the specified Product's Resource file

PUT v1/Products/{productId}/Resources/{productResourceId}/MetaData

Add the Product Resource's meta data. The meta data CultureId parameter is required - if not set, the Resource's CultureId will be set to null. All other parameters are optional and are applied only if set in a request.

PUT v1/Products/{productId}/Resources/{productResourceId}/Upload

Update the file of the specified Product's Resource. The action requires the "filename" header to be defined, with the correct file extension.

POST v1/Products/{productId}/Resources/Link

Add the Product Resource Link

POST v1/Products/{productId}/Resources/SharedFile

Add a shared file as Product Resource

POST v1/Products/{productId}/Resources/Upload

Create a Product's Resource with the file. The action requires the "filename" header to be defined, with the correct file extension.

GET v1/Products/{productId}/StockPerLocation

Get a list with all available stock per WarehouseLocation.

GET v1/Products/{productId}/Suppliers

Get a list with all Suppliers who supply given product.

GET v1/Products/{productId}/Suppliers/{productSupplierId}

Get detailed information about the ProductSupplier.

DELETE v1/Products/{productId}/Suppliers/{productSupplierId}

Removes given ProductSupplier.

PUT v1/PurchaseProduct

Update an existing PurchaseProduct.

GET v1/PurchaseProduct/{purchaseProductId}

Get detailed information about a PurchaseProduct.

DELETE v1/PurchaseProduct/{purchaseProductId}

Remove given PurchaseProduct.

GET v1/ShopGroup/{shopGroupId}/ProductBrands

Get a list with all available Product Brands, for given shop group.

GET v1/ShopGroup/{shopGroupId}/Products/{*productCode}

Get detailed information about a product, based on the unique ProductCode (SKU).

GET v1/ShopGroup/{shopGroupId}/Products

Get a list with all available Products, for given shop group.

GET v1/Shopgroups/{shopGroupId}/ProductsExists

No documentation available.

GET v1/ShopGroups/{shopGroupId}/ShopProduct/{*code}

No documentation available.

GET v1/ShopGroups/{shopGroupId}/ShopProduct/{productId}

No documentation available.

GET v1/ShopGroups/{shopGroupId}/ShopProductByCode/{*code}

No documentation available.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/ProductPropertyDefinitions

Get all Product Property definitions.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/ProductPropertyDefinitions/{productPropertyDefId}

No documentation available.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Products/{*code}

Get product projection for a shop. This is a simplified shop view of a product. Most important changes compared to Full product view: Product Properties are already translated for the shop (Caption and Value)Published is True when both Product.Punlished and ProductSelectionProduct.Active are TrueProduct Stock quantities are already filtered based on warehouses for shopPrices are copied from ProductSelectionProduct

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Products/{productId}

Get product projection for a shop. This is a simplified shop view of a product. Most important changes compared to Full product view: Product Properties are already translated for the shop (Caption and Value)Published is True when both Product.Punlished and ProductSelectionProduct.Active are TrueProduct Stock quantities are already filtered based on warehouses for shopPrices are copied from ProductSelectionProduct

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/ProductsByCode/{*code}

Get product projection for a shop. This is a simplified shop view of a product. Most important changes compared to Full product view: Product Properties are already translated for the shop (Caption and Value)Published is True when both Product.Punlished and ProductSelectionProduct.Active are TrueProduct Stock quantities are already filtered based on warehouses for shopPrices are copied from ProductSelectionProduct


Method API Description
PUT v1/ProductSelectionProducts

Update an existing Product from a Product selection.

GET v1/ProductSelectionProducts/{id}

Get detailed information about a Product in the ProductSelection.

DELETE v1/ProductSelectionProducts/{id}

Remove given Product from the Product selection.

GET v1/ProductSelections/{productSelectionId}/ProductSelectionProducts

Get a list with all Products in given Product selection.

POST v1/ProductSelections/{productSelectionId}/ProductSelectionProducts

Add a new Product to the Product selection.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/ActiveProductSelectionProducts

Get a list with all Products which are available for given Shop.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/DefaultProductSelection

Get the default Product selection for given shop

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/ProductSelections

Get a list with all available Product selections for given shop.


Method API Description
GET v1/BasePurchaseOrderStatuses

Get a list with the base order statuses.

PUT v1/PurchaseOrders

Update an existing Purchase Order.

DELETE v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrder}

Delete given Purchase Order.

GET v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}

Get detailed information about a Purchase Order.

PUT v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/CustomStatus/{statusId}

Update the Custom purchase order status.

POST v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/Deliveries/{deliveryId}/Provision

Provision the PurchaseOrder's Delivery

PUT v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/MainStatus/{statusId}

Update the Main purchase order status.

POST v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/Provision

Provision the PurchaseOrder

PUT v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/ProvisionStatus/{statusId}

Update the Provision purchase order status.

GET v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/Rows

Get a list with all order rows for a given order.

POST v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/Rows

Adds the specified order row.

PUT v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/Rows

Update an existing order row.

DELETE v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/Rows/{purchaseOrderRowId}

Delete given order row.

PUT v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/SetHandOver

Mark the PurchaseOrder as Handed over to external fulfilment party.

PUT v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/SetReceived

Mark the PurchaseOrder as Received (DateReceived is set) by external fulfilment party.

PUT v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/SubmitStatus/{statusId}

Update the Submit purchase order status.

GET v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/TrackingInfo

Get a list with all tracking info for a given PurchaseOrder.

POST v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/TrackingInfo

Adds the specified tracking info.

PUT v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/TrackingInfo

Update an existing tracking info.

GET v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/TrackingInfo/{trackingInfoId}

Get the specified Tracking Info.

DELETE v1/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/TrackingInfo/{trackingInfoId}

Delete the given tracking info.

GET v1/PurchaseOrderStatusTypes

Get a list with the Purchase Order Status types.

POST v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/PurchaseOrders

Add a new Purchase Order.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/PurchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderCode}

Get detailed information about a Purchase Order.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/PurchaseOrders

Get a list with all available PurchaseOrders, for given shop owner.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/PurchaseOrderStatuses

Get a list with all available PurchaseOrders Statuses, for given shop owner.


Method API Description
GET v1/Reports

Get a list with all available reports.

POST v1/Reports/{reportId}

Get a list with all available reports.


Method API Description
POST v1/Returns

Add a new OrderReturn.

PUT v1/Returns

Update an existing OrderReturn.

GET v1/Returns/{id}

Get detailed information about a Return.

DELETE v1/Returns/{id}

Delete the given OrderReturn.

PUT v1/Returns/{id}/Finalize

Finalize the OrderReturn

GET v1/Returns/{id}/Rows

Get a list with all OrderReturnRows for a given OrderReturn.

POST v1/Returns/{id}/Rows

Adds the specified OrderReturnRow.

PUT v1/Returns/{id}/Rows

Update an existing OrderReturnRow.

DELETE v1/Returns/{id}/Rows/{orderReturnRowId}

Delete given OrderReturnRow

PUT v1/Returns/{id}/SetClosed

Sets closed timestamp on OrderReturn

PUT v1/Returns/{id}/SetFollowUp

Sets follow up timestamp on OrderReturn

PUT v1/Returns/{id}/SetReceived

Sets received timestamp on OrderReturn

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Returns

Get a list with all available Returns, for given shop.


Method API Description
POST v1/Shipments

Creates a new shipment for an order.

GET v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}

Get detailed information about a Shipment.

DELETE v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}

Deletes a shipment from the system.

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/AddOrderRows

Add one or multiple orderrows to an existing 'open' shipment.

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/AddParameter

Add a parameter to the OrderShipment. If the key already exists, value if overritten, otherwise key is created.

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/AddParameters

Add multiple parameters to the OrderShipment. If the key already exists, value if overritten, otherwise key is created.

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/GeneratePackingSlip

Creates (or updates if it already exists) the packingslip for the shipment

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/GeneratePickList

Creates (or updates if it already exists) the picklist for the shipment

GET v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/Packlist

Returns the packlist for this Shipment

POST v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/Parcel

Add parcel to the shipment. You can only set 1 parcel per shipment. If you want to replace the parcel, you should first delete the existing parcel on the shipment.

DELETE v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/Parcel

Removes parcel from OrderShipment. The parcel itself will also be deleted from the system.

GET v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/Picklist

Returns the picklist for this Shipment

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/RemoveOrderRows

Remove one or multiple OrderRows from an 'open' shipment.

DELETE v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/RemoveParameter/{key}

Removes a parameter from the OrderShipment parameter collection.

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/SetHandOver

Mark the Shipment as Handed over to external fulfilment party.

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/SetPacked

Mark the Shipment as Packed.

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/SetPicked

Mark the Shipment as Picked.

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/SetRowsPicked

Marks orderrows as picked

PUT v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/SetShipped

Mark the Shipment as Shipped.

POST v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/SetUnpacked

Mark the Shipment as unpacked.

POST v1/Shipments/{shipmentId}/SetUnpicked

Mark the Shipment as unpicked. The associated stock items will be set to 'Reserved'.

GET v1/Shipments/{shippingCode}

Get detailed information about a Shipment.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Shipments

Get a list with available Shipments, for given shop.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/ShipmentsExists

No documentation available.

GET v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Shipments

Get a list with available Shipments, for given Warehouse.


Method API Description
POST v1/ShopGroups

Add a new ShopGroup for a ShopOwner.

PUT v1/ShopGroups

Update an existing ShopGroup.

GET v1/ShopGroups/{shopGroupId}

Get detailed information about a ShopGroup.

DELETE v1/ShopGroups/{shopGroupId}

Delete given ShopGroup.

GET v1/ShopOwners

Get a list with all available ShopOwners for the logged in user.

POST v1/ShopOwners

Add a new ShopOwner.

PUT v1/ShopOwners

Update an existing ShopOwner.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}

Get detailed information about a ShopOwner.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/Affiliates

Get all ShopGroups for the ShopOwner.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/ShopGroups

Get all ShopGroups for the ShopOwner.


Method API Description
GET v1/ShopGroups/{shopGroupId}/Shops

Get a list with all available Shops, for given shop group.

GET v1/Shops

Get a list with all available Shops for the logged in user.

POST v1/Shops

Add a new Shop for a ShopOwner.

PUT v1/Shops

Update an existing Shop.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}

Get detailed information about a Shop.

DELETE v1/Shops/{shopId}

Delete given Shop.

POST v1/Shops/{shopId}/Icon

Upload the Shop icon

POST v1/Shops/{shopId}/Logo

Upload the Shop logo

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Parameters

Get all Shop's Parameters.

PUT v1/Shops/{shopId}/Parameters

Updates or adds a Shop Parameter.

POST v1/Shops/{shopId}/Parameters

Updates or adds a Shop Parameter.

PUT v1/Shops/{shopId}/Parameters/{*key}

Updates or adds the Shop Parameter.

POST v1/Shops/{shopId}/Parameters/{*key}

Updates or adds the Shop Parameter.

DELETE v1/Shops/{shopId}/Parameters/{*key}

Delete a specific Shop's Parameter.

PUT v1/Shops/{shopId}/Product/ForeignPriceIncVAT

Update the Product price for a Shop. The price is in the default Shop currency, and is specified including VAT. An existing Product must be specified.

POST v1/Shops/{shopId}/SetOrderStatusesManagedByShopCtrl

Sets the Order's statuses managed by ShopCtrl.

GET v1/Shops/LastOrderSyncTimestamp

Gets the last order synchronize timestamps.

GET v1/Shops/ShopStatus

Get a list with all available Shops for the logged in user. The status info contains info about last mail/order synchronization.


Method API Description
GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/Suppliers

Get a list with all Suppliers for specified Shop owner.

GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/Suppliers/Search/{search}

Get a list with all Suppliers for specified Shop owner and search in following fields: - FullName - CompanyName - EMail address

GET v1/Suppliers

Get a list with all Suppliers available for the logged in user.

POST v1/Suppliers

Add a new Supplier.

PUT v1/Suppliers

Update an existing Supplier.

GET v1/Suppliers/{id}

Get detailed information about a Supplier.

DELETE v1/Suppliers/{id}

Delete given Supplier.

GET v1/Suppliers/{id}/Products

Get a list with all Products available by the Supplier.


Method API Description
GET v1/Me

Get current API user info

GET v1/Me/Shops

Returns available shops for current user

POST v1/SyncSystemRequests

Creates a sync system request.

GET v1/System/AppModuleFeatures

No documentation available.

GET v1/System/AppModules

Returns a list of (enabled) AppModules

GET v1/System/AppModules/Feature/{feature}

Returns a list of (enabled) AppModules

GET v1/System/Time

Return the current DateTime of the server

GET v1/System/Version

No documentation available.


Method API Description
GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Tickets/{code}

Get detailed information about the Ticket.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Tickets/{code}/TicketId

Get the ShopCtrl Ticket Id based on the TicketCode.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Tickets

Get a list with all Tickets, for given shop.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/TicketStatuses

Get a list with all TicketStatuses, for the given shop.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/TicketTypes

Get a list with all TicketTypes, for the given shop.

GET v1/Tickets/{id}

Get detailed information about the Ticket.

PUT v1/Tickets/{id}/MainStatus/{statusId}

Update the Main Ticket status.


Method API Description
GET v1/TransportCategories

Get a list with all available TransportCategories for the logged in user.

GET v1/TransportCategories/{transportCategoryId}

Get detailed information about a TransportCategory.


Method API Description
GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/Triggers

Get a list with all Triggers.

GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/Triggers

Get a list with all available Triggers for this shop.

GET v1/TriggerActionDefinitions

Get a list with all TriggerActionDefinitions.

POST v1/Triggers

Add a new Trigger.

PUT v1/Triggers

Update an existing Trigger.

GET v1/Triggers/{id}

Get detailed information about a Trigger.

DELETE v1/Triggers/{id}

Delete a given Trigger.


Method API Description
GET v1/Uoms

Get a list with all available UOMs.


Method API Description
GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/VATTariffs

Get a list with all VAT tariffs which are available for given Shop.


Method API Description
GET v1/Shops/{shopId}/VoipCalls

Get a list with all available VoipCalls, for given shop.

GET v1/VoipCalls/{VoipCallId}

Get detailed information about an VoipCall.


Method API Description
GET v1/ShopOwners/{shopOwnerId}/Warehouses

Get a list with all Warehouses.

GET v1/Shops/{ShopId}/Warehouses

Get a list with all Warehouses.

GET v1/Warehouses

Get a list with all available Warehouses for the logged in user.

POST v1/Warehouses

Add a new Warehouse.

PUT v1/Warehouses

Update an existing Warehouse.

GET v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}

Get detailed information about a Warehouse.

DELETE v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}

Delete given Warehouse.

GET v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Locations

Get all locations in the Warehouse.

GET v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Parameters

Get all Warehouse's Parameters.

PUT v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Parameters

Updates or adds a Warehouse Parameter.

POST v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Parameters

Updates or adds a Warehouse Parameter.

PUT v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Parameters/{*key}

Updates or adds the Warehouse Parameter.

POST v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Parameters/{*key}

Updates or adds the Warehouse Parameter.

DELETE v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Parameters/{*key}

Delete a specific Warehouse's Parameter.

PUT v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Product/{productCode}/Location/{locationId}/AddQtyOnHand/{qty}

Adds or reduces the quantity on hand.

PUT v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Product/{productCode}/Location/{locationName}/QtyOnHand/{qty}

Changes the quantity on hand, the absolute value.

PUT v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Product/{productCode}/QtyOnHand/{qty}

Changes the quantity on hand, the absolute value. For the default location.

PUT v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Product/QtyAvailable

No documentation available.

PUT v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Product/QtyOnHand

No documentation available.

GET v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/Stock

Get a list with all product stock available in the Warehouse, grouped by ProductCode.

GET v1/Warehouses/{warehouseId}/StockPerLocation

Get a list with all location product stock available in the Warehouse, grouped by ProductCode.

POST v1/Warehouses/Locations

Add a new WarehouseLocation for a Warehouse.

PUT v1/Warehouses/Locations

Update an existing WarehouseLocation.

GET v1/Warehouses/Locations/{warehouseLocationId}

Get detailed information about a WarehouseLocation.

DELETE v1/Warehouses/Locations/{warehouseLocationId}

Delete given WarehouseLocation. Keep in mind that a location can only be deleted when there is no stock available.

GET v1/Warehouses/Locations/{warehouseLocationId}/Stock

Get a list with all product stock available in the WarehouseLocation.

PUT v1/Warehouses/Stock/Move

Moves stock

PUT v1/Warehouses/Stock/MoveAdvanced

Moves advanced stock


Method API Description
POST v1/System/AppModule/{appModuleId}/{consumerLevel}/{consumerId}/Webhook/{webhookKey}

Queue a post of a webhook action for handling by the appropriate AppModule. The HTTP header of the request will be stored in the SyncRequest as RequestParameters.